
Questline: The Best Leadership, Executive Coaching and Training Provider in Gloucestershire

Executive and leadership coaching

Last month, we were nominated for Best Leadership, Executive Coaching and Training Provider in Gloucestershire at the 2022 Business Excellence Awards – and we’re proud to say we won!

At Questline, we’re passionate about developing great leaders and helping businesses thrive, so it feels great to be recognised for the work we do. 

In our leadership coaching programs we nurture positive behaviours that lead to an engaged and productive workforce and a successful organisation. We work on overruling limiting beliefs and unhelpful habits to help leaders reconnect with their teams and themselves. 

We believe in the power of emotional intelligence when it comes to business success. Whether you’re a project professional, an HR manager or a chief executive, our emotional intelligence and leadership training programs will help you grow professionally and obtain new long-term skills. 

We offer five unique leadership and executive coaching programs centred around individual, team and company needs. 

Questline’s Executive and Leadership Coaching Programs

Now perhaps more than ever before, businesses need to be adaptable. Our Reset Program specifically helps teams adapt to, and grow from the huge change the last two years have brought. Smoothly transitioning from one way of working to another can be taxing, but our executive coaching helps leaders move past this critical step.

New team challenges or a business restructure can ignite friction within and across teams. Our Collaborative Program is geared towards the whole team, helping everyone work together more effectively. We use a combination of individual and team coaching approaches to establish and overcome pain points and enable progression. 

Our Evolve Program helps leaders implement Agile project management principles into their teams. We look at how leaders can motivate, delegate and effectively drive projects through to completion using Agile methodology

As a leader, do you think about how you can make a greater impact in your role and on the company? Our Impact Program focuses on exactly that. Via leader peer group interaction and individual coaching, we tackle problematic assumptions and beliefs and encourage thoughts on different ways to resolve an issue. 

In our Insight Program, we provide emotional intelligence assessments and we take an in-depth look at the skills that underpin emotional intelligence, as well as how to apply them in the workplace.

At the heart of what we do is helping leaders develop their emotional intelligence. Effective leadership rests on emotional intelligence: an empathic and self-aware leader motivates a workforce. As a leader, developing your emotional intelligence through one of our training programs, will bring you confidence, resilience and ultimately more satisfaction at work.  

For a free quote or to enquire about any of our leadership training programs, don’t hesitate to get in touch:, +44 (0) 1242 472 124.

The art of change

Our Programmes are designed to help you wherever you are on your change journey

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