Client Stories / Insight | Assessment tools for global clients

Client Stories

Insight with assessment tools

How we use assessment tools - DISC, Facet 5, Genos EI to build insight with global clients


Global clients from private and government sectors have used our assessment tools as part of organisational wide learning and development strategies.

This has ranged from a programme to enhance feedback culture and authentic leadership in a government organisation, a development programme aimed at new managers in an aerospace organisation or a new talent programme in a global mining organisation.

Being experienced certified practitioners, Questline were asked to run the personal assessments and provide detailed debriefs to participants in order to help them interpret the results, and identify key development actions. This was as an essential first step of wider development initiatives.

The Mission

The clients wanted to:

  • Have measurable data to identify strengths and development areas
  • Have clear results that could be referred to regularly
  • Have reliable research based informatio


  • Have guidance to help participants identify development areas
  • Use surveys that were easy to access and not time-consuming
  • Have quality interpretation of the results for meaningful development
Our Solution

Questline worked with the clients to identify the most suitable personal assessments to accompany the learning and development programmes.

In order to choose a suitable assessment tool, the following factors were considered:

  • Overall aims of the development programme
  • Audience preferences in terms of data
  • Previous tools already used
  • Feedback culture within the teams
  • Individual vs team use of the reports
The Solution Summary

360 Emotional Intelligence survey

Facet 5 assessments

DISC workplace motivators assessment

1:1 Debrief with delegates

Agreed action plan and way forward

Follow up coaching sessions to slot in to wider development programme

The Outcomes, Benefits and Impacts
  • In depth feedback from 360 Genos Emotional Assessment for senior management team
  • Over 50 DISC reports and debriefs as part of a wider development programme for managers
  • Over 30 Facet 5 reports and debriefs for participants to input into a future talent programme
  • Clear objectives and action plans identified to accompany participants along their journey
  • An increase in self-awareness for participants
The Client Voice
The report identified gaps for development/action and provided key data on how my team would like me to lead.
As a result of the assessment, I now feel I can target the right areas to continue leading my team through a significant change.
  • "Engaging and insightful"
    "The opportunity to reflect on ones' emotional intelligence in the workplace has proven to be invaluable, perhaps the most important course I have ever undertaken.”

    DC, Deputy Head

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