We Work With / Executives

We Work With

Chief Executives, Directors and Educational Leaders

Partnering with Executive Leaders to help them master personal and organisational growth

What do Executives Leaders Need to Excel at?

Chief Executives, Directors and Educational Leaders need to excel at decision making and at communicating these to the organisation. They need to have a clear vision for the organisation and clarity on key priorities and goals. To be successful in their roles, they also need a strong team of senior directors around them where there is full trust and transparency. When going through periods of change or turmoil, they also need to be excellent at conflict resolution.

Due to the pressures and demands from the role, Chief Executives, Directors and Educational Leaders often have very little time to think. They also have little time to put to development of their skills as leaders of an organisation.

This lack of time and pressure can lead to feelings of continually being in fire-fight mode without focus to step back and see the bigger picture and perspective. Perceived weaknesses and beliefs can start to drain confidence and belief.

Executive Coaching can offer a safe environment to explore vision and goals with a third party and give executive leaders the much-needed space to explore and reach clarity.
Our Offer

Questline’s offer for Chief Executives, Directors and Educational Leaders can work on different levels and be tailored depending on the individual and business requirements.

  • Core Value Analysis
    A core value analysis of the business as well as the individual can ensure these are consistent. By raising and acknowledging any inconsistencies, issues can be tackled head-on.
  • Vision and Goals
    Executive Coaching
    can offer a safe environment to explore vision and goals with a third party and give executive leaders the much-needed space to explore and reach clarity.
  • Senior Leadership Team Group Workshops
    Development work can be targeted as a group of directors to explore ways of working and principles. Reaching a common understanding in this can greatly improve trust and working relationships leading to greater impact across the business.
  • Emotional Intelligence
    We can target the development of emotional intelligence for the  executive leader. 360 Assessments of current emotional intelligence can reveal areas of strength and weakness and targeted 1-1 coaching on these areas can significantly raise emotional intelligence and therefore impact as a leader.
  • Coaching Culture
    The cascading effect of executive coaching ensures line mangers and team leaders absorb and start living these values. When implementing coaching and leadership development programmes across an organisation, executive coaching for chief executives and senior leadership teams is a recommended step to increase the impact and the success of implementing the required coaching culture.
Our Offer for Executives

Our coaches and facilitators are experts in executive coaching and our programmes are designed to re-define what effective leadership means to them, focussing upon the art of leadership — the emotional intelligence which will enhance the leadership experience for our partners, their team and organisations.



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