Our Services / Performance Coaching


Performance Coaching

Maximise your performance and potential through our coaching initiatives


Leadership  and performance coaching are at the heart of our offer. Our coaches are not there to provide answers and quick fixes, they hold the space, accountability and provide challenge in a non-judgemental, neutral and supportive way whilst helping our delegates to know what is possible all in the spirit of personal and organisational growth.

Our coaching works on two levels, it allows the development of a leader through raising awareness, understanding what is possible, identifying interferences and designing and taking positive actions to creatively overcome them. Yet it also allows that same leader to experience a coaching relationship which can be replicated with their own staff to develop their own coaching leadership style increasing the performance of individuals they manage. This is why investing in  coaching can be so beneficial to an organisation.

Through regular coaching and practice, positive behaviours emerge - the acknowledgement of reality, ownership, solution focus and striving to make changes
What is Coaching?

Our Coaching focusses upon self-awareness, raising and re-connecting with Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is a learned and practiced skill in itself but can be overruled by limiting beliefs, old habits (edges) and day-to-day tasks as well as the situational circumstances our leaders find themselves in.


By exploring someone’s belief systems, assumptions and edges, and understanding any limitations, new, progressive habits can be formed. This self-awareness and awareness of others increases personal responsibility and raises Emotional Intelligence, this has a positive influence on the actions and results of the individual and those they influence.

Our expert coaches are all qualified through ICF approved qualifications and members of ICF or EMMC.


Standalone Coaching or as part of a Programme

We offer standalone coaching packages with a minimum commitment of 5 coaching sessions.  It is typical to work on 2-3 objectives, defined by the client at the start of the coaching journey.  Standalone coaching packages can be particularly helpful to support a member of staff in a new role or facing new challenges in a role or as part of a particular development programme.

Some of the objectives that we have worked on with clients include:
Growing in confidence
Improving interpersonal relationships at work
Managing conflict
Building a vision

Prices start from £750 for a standalone coaching package

Weuse coaching as a standard tool in all of our wider programmes. Coaching hours can be a powerful way to land the learning and define future actions for development.

We are also proud to offer an “in house” coaching service for organisations.  We are currently offering such a service to Focus Environmental Consultants who offer coaching hours to all their senior leadership team.

Small actions can create a big impact start the conversation today

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