“I am no good at dealing with conflict”. “People never take me seriously”.
Here are just a couple of examples of limiting beliefs – these beliefs are our assumed truths. They have been shaped by our childhood, our experiences and by our most influential relationships. Limiting beliefs are embedded into our subconscious, often unbeknown to us yet playing a vital part in our actions and decisions.
Take my son for example who started to get himself into a bit of bother at school at the start of this term. When we spoke to him about what was going on, the conversation went something like this: “None of the teachers like me”, “Everyone thinks I’m stupid”, “I am always the trouble-maker”. In his mind, this was the truth and these thoughts fuelled more negative behaviours which helped reinforce this narrative.
Think that this is only the case in children? The reality is that we, as adults, are even fuller of these limiting beliefs and many of us don’t realise just how crucial a role they play in our everyday decisions and actions.
When we allow our limiting beliefs to inform our choices and decisions, we become masters of fulfilling our own prophecy. The leader who “knows” they can’t deal with conflict, avoids conflict situations. The team around him gets frustrated that for example a member of staff behaving inappropriately isn’t dealt with and expresses this frustration to the leader therefore reaffirming to them that they can’t deal with conflict. And so it goes on and on…
For a coach, limiting beliefs are absolute gems. Hear one and you get excited! Because these are an absolute key to unlocking leadership potential. Questline’s leadership management development training focuses on bringing these to the surface and unpicking them. Are these the truth? Are they useful? Could other new beliefs be created that are more helpful? Once we begin to explore this with our leaders, a whole new world of opportunity unfolds. And as these new beliefs are tested out in the workplace and further explored, a leader can begin to form their new narrative. One that is based on fact and truth and one that is helpful to them and their organisation.
If you would like to find out more about our leadership management development training or how your team can unpick limiting beliefs through coaching get in touch. Contact us